2024-2025 Team Athlete Evaluation Information
Here is the team registration link to register your child to join a team and receive your information to setup an evaluation
Understanding what an evaluation at FOXC is:
The athlete will be evaluated/judged on the following but not limited to…
1.Appearance - are they dressed like a cheerleader ready for practice
2.Coachable - are they ready and willing to receive coaching and follow instructions
3.Attitude - are they positive no matter the situation during the evaluation
4.Knowledge - does the athlete understand what is being asked of them
5.Tumbling skill - what skills can they perform consistently and how are they performed
6.Jumps - what jumps can they perform and how are they performed
7.Hand Motions - do they know their hand motions and are they clean
8.Child's mentality and maturity for their age
Signup your child to join a team here at FOXC:
Visit our website at www.foxc.org to sign up your child for a 24-25 team. You will be contacted within 24 hours and given a link to schedule an evaluation date and time for your child.
Who needs to complete an evaluation:
*Athletes ages 6 to 18 will do an evaluation. They will then be assigned to a 2 day clinic. You will be notified of the dates and times your child should attend. The clinic is MANDATORY to be placed on a team.
*Athletes age 4 will not do an evaluation. They will automatically be placed on a Tiny Novice level team.
*Athletes age 5 with 1 year of experience in Allstar Cheer can choose to do an evaluation only if interested in being CONSIDERED to be placed on a prep team. Otherwise, 5 year old's will be placed on a Tiny Novice team and no evaluation is necessary.
What does my child need for the evaluation?
*Click on link sent to you to pick a date and time for the evaluation
*$25 evaluation fee
*Create an account at www.foxc.org, if new to FOXC. Click on blue and white Create Account button to complete.
What are my next steps after the evaluation?
*Attend the 2 day clinic and pay clinic tuition of $50
*Pay deposit of $235 to have a spot on a team and receive team discounted rate for classes. $50 per class per month is the team rate (regular rate is $70/month)
*Deposit pays for practice wear and comp music for new season.
I am ready to commit now, can I sign my contract?
Contract signing will be at the parent meeting scheduled on June 1st, 2024 by team. (TBA by team)
When are team placements announced?
*Team placements will be announced on Friday May 31st, 2024 at 630pm (Location TBA)
If I decline my placement and I change my mind after declining, can I come back to rejoin a team for this season?
You will not be allowed to return for the 24-25 season but yes you may return for the 25-26 team season for an evaluation and/or tryout.
What teams will FOXC have in Season 6?
FOXC will have a Tiny Novice team for ages 4 & 5. Athletes ages 6 and up will be placed on a Prep Level Team or Elite Level Team for the 2024-2025 season. Prep teams can be levels 1, 2 or 3 and the Elite teams also can be 1, 2 or 3. team composition by the number of athletes and what skills they show to be mastered.
Competition schedule:
*Tiny Novice level team will compete in 7 competitions, 4 local and 3 travel.
*Prep level teams and Elite level teams will compete in 8 competitions, 4 local and 4 travel.
*Additional out of state travel is possible depending on winning a bid.
*Novice team, Prep teams and Elite teams will compete in the NCA Allstar National Championship in Dallas.
What day and time does my child start practice?
*Days and times will be released in mid to late May. Expect 1 practice day during the week typically 6pm to 8pm and one practice day on the weekend either Saturday or Sunday typically for 2 or 3 hours depending on the level of the team.
Mandatory parent meeting by teams, Saturday June 1st - TBA
*Team contracts will be discussed and signed. You will be given your child's meeting time at Friday night's team reveal on May 31st.
When do 1st & 15th team tuition payments begin?
*June 1st is when the first payment is due. If paying for the full month on the 1st please advise FOXC prior to the 1st payment. If wanting to pay a large amount in advance, please contact FOXC management.
How are payments set up?
*Payments will be due on the 1st and 15th of each month. You can set up for a full month payment on the 1st of the month.
*Each family will be required to set up an E-Check checking or savings accounts for recurring payments or Credit/Debit card for recurring payments. If you choose Credit/Debit card payment, there is a 4% additional fee added to your payment.
*Cash is always accepted for team payments but must be paid by the day before the payment is due. Otherwise, payment will be processed through Echeck or Credit/Debit card.
Will there be fundraising available to help?
Yes, there will be fundraisers. One for the uniform in the beginning of the season and one in the new year as a general fundraiser.
Can my child take time off in June, July or August?
*Team members have an opportunity to take 4 team practices off in the month of June and July if it requires travel. In August athlete may take off 2 days if planned travel time. Days off may be taken through August 11th, 2024 only. As of August 12th, 2024 attendance policy will be enforced. Athletes not leaving San Antonio for time off are expected to attend all practices as scheduled. All scheduled days off should be submitted to fulloutxc@gmail.com.